Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Is the Glass Half Empty or Half Full?

This is an interesting philosophical question.
The typical answer would be that someone with a positive attitude (optimist) will see the glass as half full, while someone with a negative view of life (pessimistic) will see the glass as half empty.

Posed with the questions, in a survey, it is interesting to note that most people want to be seen as optmistic. So can this question tell optimists apart from the pessimists?
Why is it we have the tendency to perceive that it is a negative thing to see a half-empty glass?
Since the glass is half empty, it has the capacity to hold more water. So what are you waiting for?!!! Go fetch more water to fill your glass.


Blogger Garfield said...

I wish I could this message in your blog across a friend who is suffering from inferiority complex

11:31 PM  
Blogger totoro said...

hmmm, inferiority complex? probably shld join some confidence building activities;)

10:15 AM  
Blogger Garfield said...

hmm... i doubt it will work on this friend of mine. Need to use a big hammer to knock some sense into his stubborn brain.

12:31 PM  
Blogger totoro said...

he probably need more love and assurance hehe

12:26 PM  

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