Saturday, July 22, 2006

Code Red

One of my business partners is having some personal problems, may be out of action for a period of three months, maybe longer. He promised that he will be able to return to the fold as soon that he pick up himself again. And i am truly optmistic that he will...
People is the most important resource for a small business like us. Each one of us contribute to the core competency of the organisation. Any key people at risk holding critical positions will cause a serious setback for us.
At this stage of growth, there are three important areas that I am devoting most time into:
  1. Building the Core Competencies (积极培养实力,提升核心技术)
  2. Managing Capital (善用融资策略) , Improves Cash Flow (提升现金流管理) and Controlling the Expenses (控制运营成本)
  3. Making the Connections (拓展人际关系网)

Because of this, I will need my other business partners to effectively manage and run the daily operations. With my right-hand man down, I felt handicapped ... it won't be easy filling the ranks, especially in the competency areas.


Blogger Garfield said...

oh dear! I hope your problem will be resolved soon

11:53 AM  
Blogger Garfield said...

I love orchid. Hope to visit your orchid nursery soon.

9:00 AM  

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