Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Ichigo 100% Anime and Manga

Reading 19 volumes, 167 chapters in 3 days is a feat. Now, it is time to get back to reality...
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Going TIP
Monday, January 08, 2007
Welcome 2007, Goodbye 2006
Going into the new year, 2007. There are many things to left to be done, and need to be done. My business is still humming along, but I felt like living on the edge ...... Earnings are not growing fast enough to cover the expenses:(

Since the start of the new year, I have been down with cold and flu. A week later still nursing a persistent cough and sore throat. Often tired, and unable to concentrate on the tasks at hands. Suddenly, I developed fear, ... fear of failure and the dreaded thought of going back to full-time employment?!!
I have given up my high-paying job for my business. Despite that things are not all smooth-sailing, the company is still stearing in the right direction, adding a tinge of satisfaction to myself. But when I am lying sick in bed, recovering from a bad headache, made worst by blocked nose, bad cough and sore throat... Suddenly I began thinking to myself: Would life be better if I worked for myself or others? ... And what if I fail in my business?
Perhaps, it is the medicine and its sedative effects. The devil in me has been awaken...
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Taken this photographs at Changi Airport on Sunday. The flower look dignified, yet a bit unnatural in the settings of the airport. Probably if it blossoms amidst the beautiful countryside in seas of yellow flowers under wide open blue skies, it would be pretty sight to behold.
The name "Sunflower" originates from the Greek helios meaning "sun" and anthos meaning "flower".
I always hoped for a chance to go Hokkaido for see its Sunflowers and Lavender blooming it Summer, probably not in these few years time when my company is still in the early start up years and my children are so young -- one is two years old, and the other eight months old.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Leap Ahead

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