Thursday, February 02, 2006


An excerpt from Robert Kuok Hock Nien on "entreprenuership":
成功领导人的要诀,是必须拥有一批强大及有高度效率的经理人才,并与属下的各级员工密切合作,为公司奋斗 。要公平及诚实。领导人应以公平及诚实的态度与所有人交往,平时以礼待人,讲究信用,将会建立良好的声誉。一旦面临困境时,将会得到贵人协助。同时拥有坚强的体魄及精神意志,随时为公司的前途尽力奋斗。”
——“亚洲糖王”郭鹤年 <联合早报 02 Feb, 2006>
Let me try to translate the excerpts for the benefit of non-Chinese readers:)
"Enterpreneuers are driven by a sense of mission. Primarily, they are into the business of making money. But in the process of amassing wealth, the sense of mission will prevail. Without which, one will think of retirement and play golf everyday.
Being in business is analogous to rowing a boat against the tide, the only way is forward. If one do not forge ahead, one will left lagging behind. One must also keep constantly vigilant and alert of latest business developments, because for every crisis there is opportunity.
A successful leader need a strong and efficient management team, to inspire and foster team cohesiveness among the staff. One must be fair and sincere in dealing with people, treat everyone with respect and dignity, hence fostering trust and credibility. So that in time of difficulties, others will be more than willing to lend a helping hand. Lest, one must also physically and mentally strong, in order to commit to the continual and future success of the company."
Robert Kuok Hock Nien is the richest man in Malaysia. He tops the Forbes Southeast Asia's richest list again in 2005, with an estimated wealth of US$5.3 billion.

He studied at the old boy of Raffles College in Singapore and was a schoolmate of Singapore's Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew in the late 40s. In the 70s, he was known as the "Sugar King" as he controlled more than 10 percent of the global sugar market. Currently, he has diversified his business empire, which include the prestige Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts Chain along with dozens of other companies, primarily in the property, mining and agriculture sectors.


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