Friday, January 27, 2006

It's the Year of the Dog


In translation, it means "wishing everyone in the year of the dog prosper prosper prosper"!!!
As a business venture, we will like to see the company prosper and grow. Though we must admit that the Information, Communication and Technology sector in Singapore is very competitive.
The number of entreprenuers has been on an uptrend in the recent years, fuelled partly due to more high tech startups and government initiatives, and partly due to employment squeeze here. Sometimes, we can be "reluctant" entrepreneurs.
According to a survey, managers and professionals in their mid-30s and 40s are most vulnerable in an economic downturn and are most likely to be retrenched. Once retrenched, difficult to find jobs of similar nature and has to settle for a "changing" career. Some ended up driving taxi...
Frankly, I do not consider becoming an entreprenuer when younger. I do not come from a well-do family, and would gladly settled for a stable, salaried post in some government-linked companies or multi-national corporations. However, 10 years later, I am not so sure anymore.


Blogger Sunshine said...

and would gladly settled for a stable, salaried post in some government-linked companies??

Try that, and you will we how unstable it is. On the other hand, they outsource and retrench faster than you know. It is just not reported on news, because they do it discreetly or a little at a time for a long long time.

5:19 PM  
Blogger Garfield said...

may you have a good year ahead =)

7:31 AM  
Blogger Sunshine said...

Happy Chinese New Year to you

10:51 PM  
Blogger totoro said...

Dine and wine, make merry!! Enjoy the holiday:)

11:03 AM  

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