Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Know the Fish?

Talked with a friend this morning on MSN, on the topic of "Being Happy". Part of the conversation, we touched on motivational books...

And I recalled a story from Chuang Tse (庄子), a famous philosopher in ancient China:

Zhuang Zi claimed: "Look, what happy fish!"
Hui Zi asked: "You are not a fish, how do you know they are happy?"
Zhuang Zi retorted: "You are not me, how do you know I don't know the fish are happy?"


So what is definition of "being happy"?

Nowadays, I seldom read any motivational books, I simply do not have the patience or the time, probably the books are too wordy. Ironically, I got this book, titled "First Thing First", sitting in a corner of my bookshelf collecting dust for years, but I never manage to read past the first few chapters.

Someone told me that enterprenuers are an optimistic lot, they live for today and worry about tomorrow when tommorow comes. Perhaps so.


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